Faith Matters - Current Posts

Monday, June 25, 2007

What's the Point of it All?

I have a riddle for you. What can be absolutely empty when it is completely full? The answer is “life.” Life can be so full of busyness that we are booked weeks in advance. It can be filled to the brim with things to do, places to go and promises to keep, yet be painfully empty on the inside.
Centuries ago King Solomon, the wisest, richest and most married man in history, wrote these words: “Meaningless! Meaningless!…Everything is meaningless.” Solomon had an abundance of money, of insight and of relationships, yet he was overwhelmed with the emptiness of his life.
Many suffer from a lack of purpose in life. You see it in the teenager who doesn’t know where to go to college or what to major in. You see it in the individual who finds no fulfillment in spite of a successful career or the homemaker who manages the house and raises the children yet wonders, “What’s the point of it all?” We’re talking about one of the most significant issues facing each one of us. It’s the question, “What am I supposed to do with my life?”
In the English language our questions begin with the interrogatives, “who?” “what?” “where?” “when?” “how?” and “why?” The crucial one is “why.” It’s in answering the “why” question that you discover your purpose in life. Identifying your life purpose focuses your options. Then, instead of making random selections, you choose your college, your career and your mate on the basis of fulfilling your life purpose.
Related Scripture: Ecclesiastes 1:1-2
© 2007 Leith Anderson

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