Faith Matters - Current Posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Misled by a Bumper Sticker

A police officer pulled over a car and asked the driver to show his license and registration. The driver was obviously taken back because he said, “Officer, I didn’t go through a stop sign, I didn’t run a red light. I’ve actually been driving under the speed limit.”
The police officer said “What you say is true, but I’ve been following you. I saw you wave your fist at that lady in the left lane who wouldn’t get out of your way. And then when that Hummer cut you off, I was close enough to see how red your face turned. You were really flushed. I couldn’t understand the words you were saying but it appeared that they were pretty explosive. And then, back at the exit when the traffic was all backed up, I could see you pounding on the wheel. So I decided to pull you over.”
The man said “Wait a minute. Since when are any of those things crimes?” The police officer replied, “There’re not – but when I noticed the bumper sticker on your car that says ‘JESUS LOVES YOU AND SO DO I,’ I figured this had to be a stolen car.”
What’s my point with this story? Some of us are not what we claim to be. We pretend to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ when, in reality, we’re hypocrites. Let us examine ourselves to make sure that we are living in a way that honors Jesus in all that we say and do. Jesus calls us to walk in integrity.

Related Scripture: 2 John 6 & Titus 2:7

© 2007 Leith Anderson

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